2018 flying drones over Niagara Falls

What's the word on flying drones over Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls I was wondering what are the rules if any on flying the drone around the water falls. I'm currently on the Canada side but returning tomorrow to the US side.



Here is an article on a Canadian who was fined $1000 for flying over the falls in Canadian air space:


And it appears that on the US side, the airspace may be restricted - it seems it is reserved for tours in small planes and copters, according to some sources you need special permission to fly in the area;


However there a lot of great Niagara Falls videos on Youtube, so not sure what enforcement is like.

Not regulations, guidelines.

The falls are just over five miles from Niagara Falls International Airport, so you should be OK there. I have no clue how the Canadian authorities feel about it.
More information here: https://www.airmap.io/

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